Faithfully Formed: Catholic Resources for Parish Leaders

Catholic parish leaders encounter a variety of tasks and responsibilities. From fostering deep spiritual connections within the community to ensuring that the teachings and traditions are passed down authentically, leaders often tread a path filled with devotion and determination. Delve into the resources below for insights and tools designed to help you guide your parishioners with grace and conviction, ensuring every soul is Faithfully Formed.

Reimagining Ministry for Today’s World

Dive into curated materials that demonstrate how parishes can flourish by staying rooted in tradition while embracing the modern trends.


Browse insightful articles that highlight the Catholic Church’s contemporary evolution and the strategies to engage younger generations.

Unlocking the Power of Church Tech

Enhance your parish ministries with the latest advancements in church technology. Discover the tools that foster connectivity, boost engagement, and streamline operations.


Explore comprehensive blog topics tailored for parish and diocesan leaders, providing insights into the most effective tech tools available.

Leading with Purpose

Navigating the challenges of modern parish leadership requires more than just faith; it requires strategic planning and a deep understanding of your parishioners. Dive into a series of comprehensive resources to bolster your leadership and drive growth in your parish.


These resources will equip you with strategies to invigorate your parish, foster deeper faith, and bridge the generational gap ensuring a vibrant Catholic community for generations to come.

Learn more about how Pushpay’s solutions can help you serve your parishioners joyfully during the Christmas season and all year round.